
Gold Sponsors

$5,000 – Sponsorship includes your company’s logo on our website, tournament banner, and our current season’s jerseys. Also includes social media recognition throughout the season on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Additionally, we will host an afternoon-long Ultimate Frisbee clinic for your employees or local Bay Area youth where you will be the sole sponsor recognized (if you choose).

Silver Sponsors

$1,500 – Sponsorship includes your company’s logo on our website, tournament banner, and our current season’s jerseys. Also includes social media recognition throughout the season on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Bronze Sponsors

$1,000 – Sponsorship includes your company’s logo on our website, tournament banner, and company logo on our current season’s jerseys. Also includes social media recognition throughout the season on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Blue Sponsors

$500 or in-kind donation of similar value – Sponsorship includes company logo on our website. Also includes social media recognition throughout the season on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Individual contributions – We will send you a Fury 2019 disc and a “shoutout” on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.